BTCPay WooCommerce – Accept Bitcoin payments with BTCPay Server and WooCommerce
This post describes how you can accept Bitcoin and Lightning payments in a WooCommerce store with the help of BTCPay server.
WooCommerce is the store system of WordPress and enables any website under WordPress to be expanded into an online store.
This article is about how to install and configure the BTCPay plugin in an existing WooCommerce.
YouTube Video: Accept Bitcoin via BTCPay Server in the WooCommerce Shop
There is an explanatory video about the article “Accepting Bitcoin via BTCPay Server in the WooCommerce Shop” on the Coincharge YouTube channel.
In addition to WooCommerce, it is necessary that you have set up a BTCPay Store on a BTCPay server.
The BTCPay Store guide describes how to set up or use a BTCPay Store.
If you have a WooCommerce online store and have created a BTCPay Store, we can start.
This article is divided into the following sections:
By clicking on the respective images you will get to a detailed view.
Install BTCPay plugin on WordPress
In March 2022, a new version of WooCommerce plugin by BTCPay Server has been released.
The previous plugin (BTCPay for WooCommerce – Legacy) is therefore no longer up to date. For those who still use the old plugin, it is recommended to change the new plugin.
If you are using the old plugin and want to switch to the latest version now, then deactivate the old plugin and after successfully setting up the new plugin, it can then also be removed.
Install BTCPay for WooCommerce V2
The first step is to install the BTCPay for WooCommerce V2 plugin. To do this, go to the Plugins section within WordPress.
There you will find the Add Plugins section. There is a search field. Enter the search term BTCPay in this search field.
You will see all plugins that are related to BTCPay. You select the plugin called BTCPay for WooCommerce V2. The legacy version is the obsolete version which should not be used.
The BTCPay WooCommerce V2 plugin can also be loaded directly from the Github page:
WooCommerce Payments
After the BTCPay for WooCommerce V2 plugin has been installed and activated in WordPress, it is listed as an additional payment method in WooCommerce.
In addition, a red bar at the top of WordPress displays the message.“please configure the plugin here“.
You can click on the corresponding link or switch directly to the payment settings in WooCommerce.
Switch to WooCommerce => Settings => Payments and BTCPay is listed as inactive there.
There is also a new tab on the far right with the name BTCPay Settings.
BTCPay Plugin Payments Settings
In the WooCommerce settings in the Payments section are the settings options, which are displayed to the payer on the checkout page.
On this checkout page all payment methods are listed, which are offered to the customer.
One payment method will be Bitcoin. The Title field specifies what the label will be.
In the deposited setting, the option “BTCPay (Bitcoin, Lightning Network, …)” would be displayed to the payer.
Since we assume that a payer will not be able to do anything with BTCPay, we recommend a unique name such as Bitcoin only.
Customer Message
The Customer Message is used to explain to the customer what happens when he selects the appropriate payment method. Since the default setting indicates that you will be redirected to a BTCPay page, we change the text to Bitcoin. “You will be redirected to a Bitcoin payment page to complete your order.”
Gateway Icon
An icon is displayed behind the information from the Title field described above. This gateway icon is the BTCPay logo. Instead of the BTCPay logo, you can store a Bitcoin logo, which will then be displayed.
Enforce payment tokens
Since we do not want to use a separate payment gateway, we will keep the default setting and leave this option disabled.
Country availability
We want to allow payment by Bitcoin worldwide and do not restrict it to certain countries.
BTCPay Settings Part 1
In the WooCommerce settings there is another tab called BTCPay Settings.
WooCommerce => Settings => BTCPay Settings
At this point a connection is established between our WooCommerce online store and our BTCPay Store.
If no data has been stored yet, it looks like this:
BTCPay Server URL
Here the url of the BTCPay server is entered, on which the BTCPay store is located, to which the connection is to be made.
Enter the url of your own BTCPay server. In our example, we use the BTCPay server from Coincharge.
If the BTCPay server url has been entered, the link with the text: ” click here to generate API keys” appears under BTCPay API Key.
You will be redirected to the url of the BTCPay server that was previously entered as the BTCPay server url.
BTCPay Server
After clicking on the above link, you will see the login window of the BTCPay server.
Here you log in with the access data you used to create a BTCPay store in advance.
If such a BTCPay store has not been created yet, you can do so now. Here you can find instructions on how to create a BTCPay Store.
Authorization Request
After successful login, you will automatically be taken to the Authorization Request page, as shown in the image below.
If this page is not displayed, go back to the BTCPay plugin and click on the corresponding link again.
Various functions are listed for which permission is given to allow the WooCommerce store to process this information.
In the first step we assign a label name. In our example WooCommerce.
Then we give permission to each individual function. If we have more than one BTCPay store, we need to select the specific BTCPay store for which the authorization is granted under “select specific store”.
It is mandatory that the respective BTCPay store is selected. This is also necessary if you have only one BTCPay store.
If the selection is not made for all possibilities, then it does not work.
After that we click on Authorize App.
BTCPay Settings Part 2
After clicking on Authorize App, we are automatically redirected to the WooCommerce settings in the BTCPay Settings area.
The API key and store ID previously created on the BTCpay server are automatically pre-filled.
Default Customer Message
Here the information is displayed for the customers what will happen when they select the payment method. The text displayed here will be overwritten by the note we have stored in the Payments section.
There we had already changed the text in the form that customers are redirected to a Bitcoin payment page.
Therefore, it is not necessary to change the text at this point.
Invoice pass to “settled” state after
Here you can define after how many confirmations on the blockchain a Bitcoin payment is considered as received (“settled”).
When a payment is considered to be received, then the WooCommerce store sends the customer a confirmation of the order.
So when should the customer be informed that the order was successful?
It can be selected that after 0, 1, 2 or 6 confirmations on the blockchain the payment is considered settled.
The selection of the number of confirmations depends on the type of product (digital or physical) and the value of the product.
A digital product worth a few cents should be discontinued with 0 Confirmation, because no end customer wants to wait a long time for such a product.
If I sell a high quality product, which is sent by mail, then you should choose a high confirmation number.
Basically we recommend that this setting is made in the BTCPay Store settings and therefore “Keep BTCPay Server store level configuration” is made at this point.
Wallet Payment Settings
The setting, after how many confirmations on the blockchain a Bitcoin payment is considered as settled, should be made in the payment settings for the Bitcoin wallet.
You can access the settings via:
BTCPay Server => Wallet => Settings => Payment
Here, as described above, the number of confirmations on the blockchain can be set, from when a payment is considered confirmed (“settled”).
If the input in the mempool is already sufficient, then these are 0 confirmations and you select ls unconfirmed. This is recommended for low amounts and digital goods. For higher quality products, there are the setting options for 1,2 or 6 confirmations.
Order States
In the Order States field the order status is processed.
Depending on your business model and store settings, you can configure the order status.
We recommend keeping the preset values.
For better understanding, an explanation of the different values.
- New – New order – Order has been placed but not yet paid. The payment is pending
- Paid – Order is paid, but not yet confirmed on the blockchain. The status is On hold.
- Settled – Order completed and confirmed on the blockchain.
- Settled (Paid over) – More sats were sent by the payer than were requested.
- Invalid – order paid but did not receive the sufficient number of confirmations within the predefined time frame set in the BTCPay settings.
- Expired – Invoice expired, order not paid
- Expired with partial payment – Expired after partial payment.
You can adapt these values to your individual business models.
Each BTCPay status has an impact on what WooCommerce then executes.
What information should be communicated to the buyer through WooCommerce?
Ideally, you should keep the predefined settings and perform appropriate test orders in your WooCommerce online store.
Customer view in store
On the so-called checkout page, the customer enters his personal data and is then shown the available payment methods.
In our example store from is only the payment method Bitcoin and Lightning.
Accordingly, it then looks like this:
The customer then has the option to switch to the Bitcoin payment page by clicking on the button with the text “Proceed to BTCPay”.
The Bitcoin payment page can also be customized and adapted. You can find more information at: Bitcoin payment page.
If you want to change the text “Proceed to BTCPay”, this is only possible if the corresponding PHP file is changed.
If you want to change the text to “Pay with Bitcoin now”, for example, you can find the corresponding instructions in the next sections.
proceed to BTCpay
Then there is the button “proceed to BTCpay”.
Most end customers will not be able to do much with BTCPay. In order not to confuse these customers, we have changed the text to “proceed to Bitcoin”.
For this we need to go to the file server in the directory where the BTCPay WooCommerce plugin is placed.
This is located in: / httpdocs / wp-content / plugins / btcpay-for-woocommerce /
and there we have to edit the file: class-wc-gateway-btcpay.php.
We open the file and look for the phrase “proceed to BTCpay” and change the text to “proceed to Bitcoin” and save the file.
Any online store which is based on WooCommerce can accept Bitcoin payments.
This requires a BTCPay store, which can be set up on a BTCPay server. If you don’t have your own BTCPay server, you can use Coincharge’s BTCPay server.
Then you only need the plugin BTCPay WooCommerce V2 and with the help of this guide, you can receive Bitcoin on your own Bitcoin wallet.
If you want to set up the BTCPay for WooCommerce V2 plugin for your online store, you can find more information on the BTCPay server itself at: as a YouTube video at: How to accept bitcoin in WooCommerce
You can find more products and services from Coincharge in the Coincharge Shop
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