Bitcoin Voting System / Bitcoin Voting

Bitcoin Voting System
With the help of the Bitcoin crowdfunding app from BTCPay Server, a Bitcoin voting system can also be implemented. The crowdfunding app and voting system were programmed by BTCPay developer Kukks. You can also support Kukks financially yourself through this tool on his crowdfunding page: Kukks Crowdfunding Page
For documentation purposes, we have created a voting system where the question will be clarified:
Which is the best Lightning Wallet?
With a Lightning payment equivalent to 10 cents, you can vote on which Lightning wallet is the best.
Each payment documents the popularity of a Lightning Wallet and sorting is done accordingly.
So you can influence the order with a few Satoshi.
Lightning wallets are available for voting, which are presented under Coincharge Lightning Wallet.
The following Lightning Wallet are available for voting:
- BlueWallet
- Breez Wallet
- lntxbot
- Phoenix Wallet
- Wallet of Satoshi
- ZAP Wallet
This bitcoin voting system was implemented with the crowdfunding system on a BTCPay server. It shows the technical possibilities and is presented in detail here.
The payment is made on the basis of Bitcoin Lightning. It is intended to show that micropayments for a few cents (10 cents in this case) can be implemented efficiently.
If you want to try it yourself, install one of the Lightning Wallets mentioned above and transfer some Satoshi from your Bitcoin balance to the Lightning Wallet. A detailed description of the corresponding wallets can be found behind the links.
After that, you can use this vote to make a Lightning payment for a few cents. So you can convince yourself of the performance of a Lightning payment.
User view of the Bitcoin voting system
Switch to view for users:
Creation of your own Bitcoin voting system
The Bitcoin Voting System is based on the Crowdfunding Module, which is part of the BTCPay Server. For more information on the “Bitcoin Crowdfunding” module, see a separate post.
To create a Bitcoin voting system, you must create a new app in the BTCPay Shop Administration.
Select the Crowdfunding option there.

You create a separate peek for each event to be voted on and set a price of, for example, 1 cent.
After that, set the settings as shown in the adjacent picture.

Now the displayed peeks are sorted and the entry with the most votes is at the top.
As a demo, there is a voting for the most popular Lightning Wallet at:
You can find the Bitcoin Voting System at:
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