The development of Bitcoin as a payment from 2008 to today The development of Bitcoin as a payment from 2008 [...]
Bitcoin taxes and accounting when accepting Bitcoin payments in an online store. Bitcoin taxes and accounting when accepting Bitcoin payments [...]
Bitcoin tax and accounting when accepting Bitcoin payments in a brick-and-mortar store. How are Bitcoin payments in a stationary business [...]
Blink for BTCPay Server Blink Wallet as Lightning Service Provider (LSP) for BTCPay Server Use the Blink Wallet as a [...]
Accept Bitcoin payments for WooCommerce How to accept Bitcoin for WooCommerce. Do you run an online store based on WooCommerce [...]
How does a credit card payment work and how does it differ from a Bitcoin payment? In this article, we [...]
Custodial and non-custodial Lightning Wallet or safekeeping of the Bitcoin balance on a Bitcoin Lightning Wallet This is the subject [...]
How can I pay with Lightning? This article is intended for those who use Lightning, i.e. want to pay with [...]
5 reasons why Bitcoin is not a means of payment? So-called crypto experts deny Bitcoin's suitability as a means of [...]
Hodl or Spendl and the difference between Bitcoin and Lightning. Hodl or Spendl and the question of whether to hold [...]
Coincharge advises and implements Bitcoin and Lightning payments in your online store and on your website. If you run an [...]
Modular Lightning Wallet System LNbits is a modular system that allows users to configure wallets according to their individual needs. [...]
Is Bitcoin and Lightning a means of payment or a payment method? What is the difference between means of payment [...]
The 10 best Bitcoin brokers to buy Bitcoin in Germany, Austria or Switzerland or Where can I buy Bitcoin? We [...]
Strike Business - Business Bitcoin Lightning Wallet for companies Strike Business - Business Bitcoin Lightning Wallet for companiesStrike Business - [...]
BlueWallet fraud - Fraudsters use BlueWallet for fraud Do you have a BlueWallet and someone tells you that you have [...]
How can I buy Bitcoin? How can I buy Bitcoin? What should you look out for when choosing a Bitcoin [...]
Accept Bitcoin payments with Coinbase Commerce Should I accept Bitcoin and Lightning payments with Coinbase Commerce in my online store? [...]
Bolt Card - The Lightning Card Paying with the Lightning card (Bolt Card) Today I would like to introduce you [...]
Strike Wallet The Strike Wallet is a Lightning Bitcoin Wallet and a type of Euro Wallet. With the Strike Wallet, [...]
Who pays with Bitcoin? Who actually pays with Bitcoin? And who owns Bitcoin and therefore fulfils the requirements to pay [...]
10 reasons why you should accept Bitcoin payments as a merchant. 10 reasons why you should accept Bitcoin payments as [...]
BitPay - Why you should not use BitPay as a Bitcoin payment provider. BitPay is one of the first companies [...]
Zeus Bitcoin and Lightning Wallet - Set up, configure and use Zeus is both a Bitcoin wallet and a Lightning [...]
Accept Bitcoin Lightning payments with Opago in-store Accept Bitcoin Lightning payments with Opago in-store. In this article, we explain how [...]
Install and use Phoenix Wallet In this article, we will show you how to install and configure the Phoenix Lightning [...]
Lipa for Business - Accept Lightning payments with Lipa for Business Accept Lightning payments with Lipa in the store Lipa [...]
Accept Bitcoin payments on Shopify with Coinsnap Coinsnap is a Bitcoin and Lightning payment provider and offers the possibility to [...]
Coinsnap - Bitcoin and Lightning payment provider Coinsnap is a Lightning payment provider and offers Bitcoin and Lightning payment processing [...]
Table of Contents: Set up and use Alby Lightning Wallet In this article we will deal with Alby Lightning Wallet, [...]
Accept Bitcoin in Jimdo Shop Can you accept Bitcoin in the Jimdo Shop? This is what Jimdo store operators should [...]
In this article we will talk about the different types of Bitcoin lightning wallets, their features and differences, as well [...]
What is the Mempool? What is the mempool and what should merchants know about it? Since we at Coincharge are [...]
Accept Lightning and Bitcoin on WooCommerce Accept Lightning and Bitcoin payments in a WooCommerce internet store. In this post we [...]
Accept Bitcoin and Lightning payments on Shopify Accept Lightning and Bitcoin on Shopify Here's how you can accept Lightning and [...]
How much does a Lightning payment cost? A Bitcoin payment via the Lightning network is significantly cheaper than a Bitcoin [...]
Lightning payments at Nostr How do Lightning payments work at Nostr? In this article, we will look at crypto payments [...]
Special features of buying Bitcoin in Switzerland The specifics of buying Bitcoin from Swiss Bitcoin brokers using Relai, Pocket and [...]
Cashu - eChash Lightning Wallet and Mint System Cashu extension at LNbits Cashu is an ecash wallet and mint system [...]
You already run an internet store and accept payments like credit card and PayPal? Then you are familiar with the [...]
Federated Chaumian eCash for Bitcoin Lightning Chaumian eCash is a cryptographic concept developed by David Chaum in 1982, which is [...]
Logging in to a website via Lightning Login (LNURL Auth) With Lightning Login you can log in anonymously to websites [...]
Accept Bitcoin with Shopware Accept Lightning and Bitcoin payments in a Shopware online store. In this article, we explain how [...]
Since we are looking at Bitcoin payment and Lightning at Coincharge, let's explore the question, What is Bitcoin Lightning? For [...]
VIDA - Earn Bitcoin from every caller or viewer on a livestream Get Bitcoin from your callers. With Vida, you [...]
LNPoS – Lightning PoS Terminal Accept Bitcoin in retail store via LNPoS (Lightning Point of Sale). In this post we [...]
Starbackr - Monetize your digital content with Bitcoin Starbackr is a platform for at content creators who can show digital [...]
Zebedee is more than just a Lightning Wallet. It is part of a Lightning Gaming EcoSystem which consists of a [...]
Thus, you can accept Altcoins and other cryptocurrencies with the BTCPay server. When using a BTCPay server, the default cryptocurrencies [...]
BTCPay Store on Coincharge Would you like to accept Bitcoin in your online store or retail store? But you are [...]
How to create a BTCPay store on Voltage's BTCPay server Voltage is a provider of Bitcoin and Lightning services. Comparable [...]
So you can change Lightning to Bitcoin or pay a Lightning invoice with Bitcoin. You have Lightning balance and want [...]
Lightning Address A Lightning address is like an email address, except that you can use it to send and receive [...]
Bitcoin Premium Rate Number First Payment is a provider of premium rate phone numbers. For the Bitcoin Premium rate number [...]
@LightningTipBot on Telegram @LightningTipBot is a Lightning wallet and Lightning address on Telegram. If you have an account on Telegram, [...]
Create, set up and administer BTCPay Store In this article, we explain how you can create, set up and administer [...]
Shared Lightning Channel with Coincharge Open a shared Lightning Channel with Coincharge In this tutorial, we explain how you can [...]
What is the Bitcoin transaction fee when paying with Bitcoin? A Bitcoin payment incurs costs in the form of a [...]
This is how you can receive donations in Bitcoin. We explain how you can receive donations in Bitcoin on your [...]
Accept Bitcoin and Lightning payments in stores How can I accept Bitcoin payments in stores? In this article, we look [...]
Lightning and Bitcoin accepted for digital goods, content, products, services and services Earn Bitcoin and Lightning with digital content. If [...]
Accept Bitcoin as a payment method This allows you to accept Bitcoin as a means of payment in your business [...]
Email message when Bitcoin payment is received When a payment is received on your Bitcoin wallet, you usually want to [...]
With KeySend, a Lightning payment can be executed without having received an invoice from the payee beforehand. Normally, Lightning payment […]
Accept Bitcoin payments in your online store. Save €50 with discount code: BLOCKTRAINER +5% discount for Bitcoin payment Offer for [...]
BTCPayWall - Bitcoin paywall for selling content and digital goods on WordPress. BTCPayWall offers users, especially content creators, a unique [...]
Lightning paywall provider in comparison test A Bitcoin paywall or Lightning paywall is used to sell digital content, such as [...]
Accept Bitcoin payments for your digital content. Accept Bitcoin & Lightning payments for your digital content like: Blog Post (Pay-per-Post) [...]
Accept Bitcoin payments in the online store Accept Bitcoin payments in the online store How to accept Bitcoin payments in [...]
BTCPay POS Terminal Web based Bitcoin POS terminal from BTCPay The web-based Bitcoin POS terminal is suitable for Bitcoin payment [...]
Bitcoin Payment Button A Bitcoin Payment Button is the simplest way to accept Bitcoin payments on your website. In most [...]
Bitcoin invoice / payment request What do you use a Bitcoin invoice for? You are a service provider (e.g. programmer, [...]
How to create a Bitcoin crowdfunding system with the BTCPay Crowdfund app Bitcoin Crowdfunding, Project Financing and Fundraising In this [...]
LibrePatron - The Bitcoin Alternative to Patreon? LibrePatron - The Bitcoin Alternative to Patreon? Patreon provides a way for artists [...]
Bitcoin micropayments via flash payments Bitcoin micropayments via flash payments Bitcoin micropayments lend themselves to making payments for payment barriers [...]
Payment per newspaper article with Bitcoin Lightning Payment per newspaper article with Bitcoin Lightning Accept Lightning payments for your articles [...]
Payment per download with Bitcoin Lightning Payment per download with Bitcoin Lightning With FileBazaar, payments per download like digital data [...]
What is a BTCPay Server? Bitcoin payment processing with BTCPay server Table of Contents: What is a BTCPay Server? YouTube [...]
Lunanode Setup Lunanode Hosting Lunanode is a Canadian hoster specializing in hosting BTCPay Server and partner and sponsor of BTCPay [...]
BTCPay Server Hosting BTCPay Server Hosting – Hosting eines eigenen Bitcoin Payment Server The BTCPay server must run on its [...]
How to create an xPub Key with the Electrum Wallet xPub Key with Electrum Wallet What is an Extended Public [...]
Set up BTCPay Server Table of contents BTCPay Server Settings Users Email Policies Services Theme Maintenance Logs Files Plugins Run [...]
Setting up a BTCPay Store Setting up a BTCPay Store In a step by step guide we explain here how [...]
Create BTCPay Shop Create BTCPay Shop In a step by step guide we explain here how you can create and [...]
xPub Public Bitcoin Address Set up and administer BTCPay Shop Deposit xPub key with the BTCPay server Incoming payments are [...]
Create custom Bitcoin checkout page for BTCPay How to create a custom Bitcoin checkout page for the BTCPay server. With [...]
Do you want to accept bitcoin as a business owner? Then take advantage of the many benefits: Receiving Bitcoin payments [...]
Which cryptocurrency to accept? - Which cryptocurrency should you accept in your online store? You've decided that you want to [...]
Cryptocurrency as a payment method - Which cryptocurrency should you accept as a payment method? There are thousands of different [...]
Bitcoin payment from the point of view of an online store The following article describes how a Bitcoin payment works [...]
A comparison of the most important Bitcoin payment providers Comparison of the most important Lightning and Bitcoin payment providers Anyone [...]
Why you should accept Bitcoin as a merchant Why should merchants accept Bitcoin? What are the benefits of accepting Bitcoin [...]
Bitcoin Business Model - Which business models are suitable for Bitcoin payments? Which Bitcoin business model is suitable? Bitcoin payment [...]
LNURL are advanced features and applications that go beyond just payment processing for Lightning Wallets. LNURL is a protocol for [...]
Settlement of small amounts with Bitcoin Lightning The payment of very small amounts (micropayments) poses a problem with traditional payment [...]
The most important and best Lightning Wallet at a glance Which Lightning Wallet is right for you? Lightning as a [...]
Bitcoin Voting System / Bitcoin Voting Bitcoin Voting System With the help of the Bitcoin crowdfunding app from BTCPay Server, [...]
BlueWallet - Set up and use Lightning & Bitcoin Wallet The BlueWallet is a Bitcoin and a Lightning wallet and [...]
In this article you will learn how to accept Lightning payments with BTCPay. With the help of Bitcoin Lightning, payments [...]
Breez Wallet is a non-custodial wallet for iOS and Android. Breez Wallet can be used to receive and send Lightning [...]
Wallet of Satoshi Switch to the Wallet of Satoshi website Accept Bitcoin and Lightning payments with the Wallet of Satoshi [...]
Lntxbot is discontinued LNTXBOT is discontinued, please transfer your balance from the wallet. You can find an alternative in our [...]
ZAP Wallet without own Lightning Node The Zap Wallet is no longer maintained, instead there is a fork "BitBanana" for [...]
Accept Lightning with the BTCPay server This post explains how you can accept Lightning payments with the BTCPay server. We [...]
BTCPay WooCommerce - Accept Bitcoin payments with BTCPay Server and WooCommerce This post describes how you can accept Bitcoin and [...]
If you accept Lightning payments in your store, you have to deal with the topic of Lightning Liquidity. This post [...]
The Ride the Lightning application, or RTL for short, is a user interface that allows you to control, monitor, and [...]
This post is about how Lightning payments appear on the customer's checkout page. It describes how a Lightning payment via [...]
How to accept payment with WooCommerce Lightning Accept payment with WooCommerce Lightning. If you run an online store based on [...]
BTCPay Bitcoin Wallet As a BTCPay store operator, you want to receive Bitcoin. These incoming bitcoin are credited to a [...]
BTCPay Transmuter With BTCPay Transmuter you can automate the payment process of your Bitcoin payments. You can define a certain [...]
Nodl BTCPay server on its own hardware node With Nodl BTCPay Server, you can run your own BTCPay server on [...]
Electrum Lightning Wallet is a Lightning Wallet based on the well-known Electrum Wallet. Since version 4.0.1, Electrum Wallet also supports [...]
Sell digital products with Bitcoin and deliver them via email. Sell digital products with Bitcoin and deliver them via email. [...]
You sell something in your store for €100,- and want to get €100,- credited to your bank account? You want [...]
This post about Bitcoin forwarding explains how to automatically forward Bitcoin to another Bitcoin address. When selling something in our [...]
Accounting and tax if you accept Bitcoin in your business What do you need to consider when it comes to [...]
Electrum Lightning Wallet is a Lightning Wallet based on the well-known Electrum Wallet. Since version 4.0.1, Electrum Wallet also supports [...]
This article explains how to update the BTCPay Server to the current version. How to make a BTCPay server update. [...]
Bitcoin Payment Provider vs. BTCPay Server For Bitcoin payment processing, online merchants can use the services of a Bitcoin payment [...]
Bitcoin subscription payment Recurring Bitcoin payment for subscription and memberships Bitcoin subscription payments are recurring bitcoin payment for subscription and [...]
BTCPay POS App via amount input Accept Bitcoin via amount entry with the BTCPay POS App Accepting Bitcoin in business [...]
Bitcoin payout service Bitcoin payout services are used to execute bitcoin payouts. A Bitcoin payout service is paying a third [...]
Refunds of Bitcoin payments to customers A Bitcoin payment refund is about a refund on a Bitcoin payment that has [...]
The adult industry is known for being one of the first to use new innovative technologies on the Internet. Therefore, [...]
Accept Bitcoin payments in your online store or retail store. Your entry in the Bitcoin directory of: Bitcoin Directory [...]
Raspiblitz BTCPay Server Raspiblitz BTCPay Server BTCPay Server on the Raspiblitz The Raspiblitz is a hardware node that allows you [...]
Lightning Alias To create a Lightning alias The own Lightning Node has a unique Node ID consisting of more than [...]
BTCPay Shopify - Accept Bitcoin on Shopify with the BTCPay Server BTCPay Shopify How to accept Bitcoin on Shopify with [...]
Administer BTCPay Store The BTCPay Shop or BTCPay Store manual is divided into four pages: Part 1 - Create BTCPay [...]
LNbits LNbits is a Lightning wallet and account system. With the help of LNbits, numerous Lightning walls and sub-wallets can [...]
BTC Paywall is a WordPress plugin that allows you to charge for WordPress content. The reader gets to a post [...]
Anyone who runs a blog based on WordPress has the option to offer pages and blog posts for a fee. [...]
Accept Bitcoin in your WooCommerce online store Accept Bitcoin payments in your online store and get Bitcoin credited directly to [...]
Coincharge Supporter Store The Coincharge Supporter Store has been implemented based on WooCommerce store software. It supports Bitcoin and Lightning [...]
Use xPub Key from Raspiblitz with external BTCPay Server In this post, we describe how you can receive Bitcoin (OnChain) [...]
xPub - where can I find the xPub key from my wallet? In this post we explain what an xPub [...]
Introduction If you run a Lightning Node, you will notice after some time that there is a shift of your [...]
Accept Bitcoin payments in your online store and get Bitcoin credited directly to your own Bitcoin wallet. Our service: from [...]

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Recent Posts
- Bitcoin failed? Bitcoin as a payment from 2008 to today
- Bitcoin tax for online merchants
- Bitcoin tax and accounting in a stationary business.
- Blink for BTCPay Server
- Accept Bitcoin for WooCommerce
- Make a Lightning payment via BTCPay
- How does a credit card payment work vs. a Bitcoin payment
- Custodial and non-custodial Lightning Wallet
- How can I pay with Lightning?
- 5 reasons why Bitcoin is not a means of payment?
Accept Bitcoin
Accept Lightning
Bitcoin Paywall
Blue Wallet
Chaumian eCash
Hardware Point of Sale
Lightning Address
Lightning Login
Lightning payments
Lightning Paywall
lightning wallet
Point of Sale
Point of Sale App
Swiss Bitcoin Pay
Wallet of Satoshi
Web Point of Sale